Having as one of her 2019 goals was setting a pace for others to follow as far as mentorship is concern in the domain of IT. On the 17th of November 2019, ASEND launched her first mentorship program to train beginners in the domain of IT. This program is coordinated by her IT Manager in person of Terence Agbor Ma'nnyo Tabi, who is a Level 300 student in the Department of Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the University of Buea. He puts it to us as he quoted that “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby , hence the aim of the mentorship program. ASENDS mentoring program helps and enables everyone who is interested in getting involved in the world of IT to get adequate know how and hands on experience not forgetting a solid foundation as far as the various IT areas are concerned: 1.Web design and development (HTML, CSS, IONIC, BOOTSTRAP...